Leigh Village is a planned transit friendly community in Western Durham County, North Carolina.
Over a decade of neighborhood discussions, County and Regional planning efforts, and dozens of public hearings have led to the plans we have today.
With the voter approval of transit funding through the 1/2 cent sales tax, this planning has shifted into a higher gear. Currently, Leigh Village is being planned around a light rail station and a park and ride facility.
While light rail will take a long time to arrive, bus transit and other improvements could arrive relatively soon.
I would like for a representative of the Leigh Village project to be a guest on my radio program. It is a free-form talk show on WCOM, the community radio station at the ArtsCenter in Carrboro. Please contact me at jc@unc.edu for more information. Thank you.
There has still been no response to my inquiry, which raises the question of how serious this undertaking actually is.
My name is Jamie Cohen, and I am a freshman at Duke University. I am writing a news story on the durham-orange light rail and trying to get the voices of several communities opposed to the current alignment. I was wondering if you could share with my why Leigh village is opposed to the alignment and the concerns you have.